Your host user must be member of the group vboxusers. The command to (re)load VirtualBox kernel modules on Manjaro is $ sudo vboxreload These commands are for other operating systems and does not exist on Manjaro. VirtualBox might come with a window prompting you to run either Either restart your system or load it manually. Prior to using VirtualBox kernel modules must be loaded. If you choose to make the host modules available using dkms - remember to install the headers for every kernel on your system. You need remember to install kernel modules for every kernel installed on which you intend to use VirtualBox. $ pamac install virtualbox linux$VERSION-virtualbox-host-modules virtualbox-guest-iso Install virtualbox with the required kernel modules matching the output from your system. Your current active kernel is found using the mhwd-kernel command ( note) $ mhwd-kernel -li Topics Coveredīefore you install - reboot to your system and ensure you have enabled virtual extensions in your systems firmware.
It is recommended to read the VirtualBox article on the Wiki or the VirtualBox End-user documentation. Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆ VirtualBox - Installation, USB, Shared folders